Pre- & Post-Op Guides
To ensure you achieve the best possible results, it's essential to properly care for your skin pre- and post-treatment. Our aftercare instructions are designed to help you minimize any discomfort, prevent complications, and maximize the effectiveness of your treatment.
Dermal Filler
A few simple guidelines both pre and post-treatment can make a difference between a good result and a fantastic one.

Pre-Care Instructions
Avoid the use of Aspirin, NSAIDS, Ginko Biloba, Garlic Supplements, Green Tea, Flax Oil, Cod Liver Oil, Vitamins A and E, and essential fatty acids for up to 1 week pre and post injection as they may increase your risk of bruising.
You may take Arnica tablets 2-3 days prior to your injection to reduce the risk of bruising
Please avoid products that are potentially irritating for 2-3 days before and after treatment such as tretinoin/retin-a, glycolic acid, benzoyl peroxide, hydroquinone
Inform your provider if you have a history of cold sores to receive advice on antiviral therapy prior to treatment
All cosmetic injectables must be avoided during pregnancy or breastfeeding

Day-Of Treatment
Depending on the location and type of filler to be used, we may apply topical anesthetic medication in the office before your scheduled appointment.
Please arrive with a clean face. Do not wear makeup.
Redness and swelling are normal. Some bruising may also be visible

Post-Treatment Care
Minor redness, swelling and bruising following your treatment may occur. Immediately contact our office should you experience excessive redness, swelling, bruising, discoloration, heat and/or pain in the area of injections. Also, please contact our office if swelling lasts longer than 72 hours after your treatment.
Some mild tenderness in the area of the treatment is normal and often lasts 2-3 days after the placement of the filler.
To reduce swelling and bruising, please avoid all alcohol consumption, extended sun exposure, vigorous exercise or becoming overheated for 24 hours following your treatment and until all side effects have completely resolved.
You may take Acetaminophen/Tylenol as needed if you experience any mild tenderness/discomfort
Do not massage treated areas after treatment. Please avoid placing your face in a massage cradle for 2 weeks following treatment.
Always apply SPF prior to sun exposure
You may take non-sedating antihistamines (Claritin or Zyrtec) as per package directions for 7 to 10 days to control swelling.
Avoid laser, IPL, microneedling or any other skin tightening treatments of the area for at least 2-3 weeks
You may continue your topical products as mentioned above 1 week after injection
We want your Botox results to be amazing! Your recovery period should be simple, carefree and easy. In order to ensure the best results, please minimize the following risks following your treatment today with cosmetic Botox.

Post-Care Instructions
Do not rub, massage or irritate the injection sites. This can cause the Botox to migrate to other areas, which can lead to undesired results. Wash your face gently. By the next morning, you can resume normal activities.
No straining, vigorous exercise or heavy lifting for the remainder of the day following your treatment. It takes around 4 hours for Botox to bind to the nerve and begin to work, which is why we do not want to increase circulation to that treatment area and wash the Botox away prematurely!
Please avoid direct sunlight exposure for the remainder of the day. Botox can cause your skin to be temporarily photosensitive and this increases your risk of a sunburn.
Do not lie down for 4 hours after your treatment. We want to avoid pressure to the treated areas to minimize the risk of the Botox migrating into another site.
The tiny bumps that you see where the Botox was injected will go away within a few hours. If you do develop a bruise at an injection site, it will resolve like other bruises in about a week. Do not rub a bruise as this can make it larger. We recommend that you wait 12 hours before applying any makeup.
Avoid facials and saunas for 24 hours after treatment since this will decrease the chance of your blood pressure rising and thus decrease the chance of minor and temporary bruising.
If you are new to Botox, developing a headache following the procedure may occur, although it is uncommon. Botox is actually even used to treat headaches! However, if you do develop a headache we recommend you avoid aspirin or aspirin containing products to minimize bruising. You may opt instead to use Motrin, Tylenol, and/or cool compresses. If headaches continue or worsen, please contact us.
Results of your treatment may take up to 14 days to take full effect although many people will recognize the benefits in 3-5 days after treatment. If you think you need additional Botox or would like a touch up, we ask that you wait the full 14 days before making your appointment so that we can see the Botox fully set in before administering additional product.
Botox Cosmetic® is a temporary procedure. In most people the benefits of Botox last about 4 months. Sometimes a few wrinkles may start to return in 2-3 months as the Botox begins to clear from the muscles.
Cold compresses may be gently used 10 minutes on 10 minutes off to reduce swelling 2-3x per day during the 1st 1-2 days if needed. Please do not apply any pressure!
LaseMD Ultra
To ensure you achieve the best possible results, it's essential to properly care for your skin post-treatment. Our aftercare instructions are designed to help you minimize any discomfort, prevent complications, and maximize the effectiveness of your treatment. Follow these easy steps to keep your skin looking its best and enjoy the full benefits of your Total Skin Solution, LaseMD Ultra, or RF Microneedling experience.

Post-Treatment Care
You may experience a burning sensation for 1-2 hours immediately after your treatment. Cooling with an ice pack can provide relief to the treated area but is usually not needed. Make sure to enclose the ice pack in sterile and dry gauze to prevent water from penetrating the tissue in the treated area.
Keep the treatment area moisturized with an approved, safe moisturizer.
On the second day, gently wash and pat the skin gently dry for the next two days. Do not scrub or exfoliate the treated area. Continue to moisturize daily. The sandpapery crust and texture of your skin will separate naturally within 5-7 days after the treatment. When your skin texture returns to normal, you may resume your normal skin care routine.
Please do not use cosmetics which contain active ingredients such as Retinol, vitamin C (L-ascorbic acid), or alpha hydroxy acids (AHA’s) after treatment for one week without prior permission from the doctor. Tetrahexyldecyl ascorbate (THD) is a highly stable form of vitamin C which is lipid (fat) soluble and is acceptable for use following a LaseMD Ultra treatment (please abstain for 24 hours for microneedling).
Avoid exercising for the first day post-treatment or until initial healing has occurred. Increased redness may result from any activity that increases blood flow or body temperature (e.g. alcohol consumption, exercise, and sauna).
Avoid using cosmetics containing alcohol for at least 1 week after treatment.
For at least 20 days after treatment, apply UV A/B sunblock daily with SPF of at least 25. Use an umbrella, hat or any other available protection against sunlight while spending time outdoors. (If your treatment included RF microneedling, please abstain from SPF for 24 hours post treatment.)
As always, please contact us with any questions or concerns.

What Should I Put on My Skin and When?
We know there are a million skin care products for you to choose from. Since you have invested in the top skin treatment on the market, we want to ensure that your home products match this level of quality. Therefore, we only endorse the products we have already vetted and offer in our office. These are products that do not contain preservatives, parabens or artificial ingredients and are safe to use with all of our in-office procedures.
If you purchased a multi-session package of LaseMD or RF micro needling treatments, you have received a Dr. Gregg Skin Procedure Enhancement Kit. This has everything you need to get you through the next 10 days! This kit may also be purchased separately from our office and through our website (which we highly recommend!).
Immediately After Your Procedure
We Did This in the Office for You!
Apply Dr. Gregg Skin Replenish
Apply Dr. Gregg Skin Protect
(if your treatment included RF microneedling, please abstain from SPF for 24 hours post treatment)

Evening of the Procedure
Cleanse with Dr. Gregg Skin Cleanse
Apply Dr. Gregg Skin Replenish
Apply the ultra-light Dr. Gregg Skin Moisturize

Daily Products
for Days 2-10 post-procedure
Morning / Evening:
Cleanse with Dr. Gregg Skin Cleanse
Apply Dr. Gregg Skin Replenish
Apply the ultra-light Dr. Gregg Skin Moisturize
Morning Only:
Apply Dr. Gregg Skin Protect

Laser Hair
Congratulations on taking the first step towards achieving smooth skin with laser hair removal from Dr. Gregory Martin. Proper pre and post care are key to minimizing discomfort, preventing complications, and maximizing the effectiveness of your treatment. Let's dive into some helpful tips and tricks that will leave you feeling confident, radiant, and ready to show off your beautiful new look!

Pre-Treatment Care
The area to be treated must be cleaned and SHAVED 24 hours or less, prior to treatment.
Avoid the sun 4-6 weeks before and after treatment until your healthcare provider allows. Pigmented cells in your skin compete with melanin in your hair
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Certain topical medications or skin care products may need to be stopped 3-5 days prior to treatment. Examples include Retin-A, Vitamin C, and Glycolic topicals.
You MUST avoid bleaching, plucking or waxing hair for 4-6 weeks prior to treatment. The melanin-containing hair must be present in the follicle as it is the “target” for the laser light.
If you have had a history of perioral or genital herpes simplex virus, your provider may recommend prophylactic antiviral therapy. Follow the directions for your particular antiviral medication.
If you have a tan or have a darker skin type, a bleaching regimen may be started 4-6 weeks before treatment.
RECENTLY TANNED SKIN CANNOT BE TREATED! If treated within 2 weeks of active (natural sunlight or tanning booth) tanning, you may develop hypopigmentation (white spots) after treatment and this may not clear for 2-3 months or more.
The use of self- tanning skin products must be discontinued one week prior to treatment. Any residual self-tanner should be removed prior to treatment.

Post-Treatment Care
Immediately after treatment, there should be erythema (redness) and edema (swelling) of each hair follicle in the treatment site, which may last up to 2 hours, or longer. The erythema may last up to 2-3 days. The treated area may feel like a sunburn for a few hours after treatment.
A topical soothing skin care product, such as Dr. Gregg Skin Soothe, or aloe vera gel may be applied following treatment if desired.
Avoid sun exposure to reduce the chance of hyperpigmentation (darker pigmentation).
Use a sunblock (SPF 25+) at all times throughout the course of treatment, such as Dr. Gregg Skin Protect.
Avoid picking or scratching the treated skin. Do not use any other hair removal treatment products or similar treatments (waxing, electrolysis or tweezing) that will disturb the hair follicle in the treatment area for 4-6 weeks after the laser treatment is performed. Shaving may be used.
Anywhere from 5-14 days after the treatment, shedding of the treated hair may occur.
After the axillae (underarms) are treated, you may wish to use a powder instead of a deodorant for 24 hours after the treatment to reduce skin irritation.
There are no restrictions on bathing except to treat the skin gently, as if you had a sunburn, for the first 24 hours.
Return to the office or call for an appointment at the first sign of the return of hair growth. This may be within 4-6 weeks for the upper body and possibly as long as 2-3 months for the lower body. Hair regrowth occurs at different rates on different areas of the body. New hair growth might not occur for AT LEAST three weeks after treatment.
Call Dr. Gregory Martin’s office at (301) 652-1039 with any questions or concerns you may have.

What Should I Put on My Skin and When?
We know there are a million skin care products for you to choose from. Since you have invested in the top skin treatment on the market, we want to ensure that your home products match this level of quality. Therefore, we only endorse the products we have already vetted and offer in our office. These are products that do not contain preservatives, parabens or artificial ingredients and are safe to use with all of our in-office procedures.
If you purchased a multi-session package of LaseMD or RF micro needling treatments, you have received a Dr. Gregg Skin Procedure Enhancement Kit. This has everything you need to get you through the next 10 days! This kit may also be purchased separately from our office and through our website (which we highly recommend!).
Immediately After Your Procedure
We Did This in the Office for You!
Apply Dr. Gregg Skin Replenish
Apply Dr. Gregg Skin Protect
(if your treatment included RF microneedling, please abstain from SPF for 24 hours post treatment)

Evening of the Procedure
Cleanse with Dr. Gregg Skin Cleanse
Apply Dr. Gregg Skin Replenish
Apply the ultra-light Dr. Gregg Skin Moisturize

Daily Products
for Days 2-10 post-procedure
Morning / Evening:
Cleanse with Dr. Gregg Skin Cleanse
Apply Dr. Gregg Skin Replenish
Apply the ultra-light Dr. Gregg Skin Moisturize
Morning Only:
Apply Dr. Gregg Skin Protect

RF Microneedling
To ensure you achieve the best possible results, it's essential to properly care for your skin post-treatment. Our aftercare instructions are designed to help you minimize any discomfort, prevent complications, and maximize the effectiveness of your treatment. Follow these easy steps to keep your skin looking its best and enjoy the full benefits of your Total Skin Solution, LaseMD Ultra, or RF Microneedling experience.

Post-Treatment Care
You may experience a burning sensation for 1-2 hours immediately after your treatment. Cooling with an ice pack can provide relief to the treated area but is usually not needed. Make sure to enclose the ice pack in sterile and dry gauze to prevent water from penetrating the tissue in the treated area.
Keep the treatment area moisturized with an approved, safe moisturizer.
On the second day, gently wash and pat the skin gently dry for the next two days. Do not scrub or exfoliate the treated area. Continue to moisturize daily. The sandpapery crust and texture of your skin will separate naturally within 5-7 days after the treatment. When your skin texture returns to normal, you may resume your normal skin care routine.
Please do not use cosmetics which contain active ingredients such as Retinol, vitamin C (L-ascorbic acid), or alpha hydroxy acids (AHA’s) after treatment for one week without prior permission from the doctor. Tetrahexyldecyl ascorbate (THD) is a highly stable form of vitamin C which is lipid (fat) soluble and is acceptable for use following a LaseMD Ultra treatment (please abstain for 24 hours for microneedling).
Avoid exercising for the first day post-treatment or until initial healing has occurred. Increased redness may result from any activity that increases blood flow or body temperature (e.g. alcohol consumption, exercise, and sauna).
Avoid using cosmetics containing alcohol for at least 1 week after treatment.
For at least 20 days after treatment, apply UV A/B sunblock daily with SPF of at least 25. Use an umbrella, hat or any other available protection against sunlight while spending time outdoors. (If your treatment included RF microneedling, please abstain from SPF for 24 hours post treatment.)
As always, please contact us with any questions or concerns.

What Should I Put on My Skin and When?
We know there are a million skin care products for you to choose from. Since you have invested in the top skin treatment on the market, we want to ensure that your home products match this level of quality. Therefore, we only endorse the products we have already vetted and offer in our office. These are products that do not contain preservatives, parabens or artificial ingredients and are safe to use with all of our in-office procedures.
If you purchased a multi-session package of LaseMD or RF micro needling treatments, you have received a Dr. Gregg Skin Procedure Enhancement Kit. This has everything you need to get you through the next 10 days! This kit may also be purchased separately from our office and through our website (which we highly recommend!).
Immediately After Your Procedure
We Did This in the Office for You!
Apply Dr. Gregg Skin Replenish
Apply Dr. Gregg Skin Protect
(if your treatment included RF microneedling, please abstain from SPF for 24 hours post treatment)

Evening of the Procedure
Cleanse with Dr. Gregg Skin Cleanse
Apply Dr. Gregg Skin Replenish
Apply the ultra-light Dr. Gregg Skin Moisturize

Daily Products
for Days 2-10 post-procedure
Morning / Evening:
Cleanse with Dr. Gregg Skin Cleanse
Apply Dr. Gregg Skin Replenish
Apply the ultra-light Dr. Gregg Skin Moisturize
Morning Only:
Apply Dr. Gregg Skin Protect

Total Skin Solution
To ensure you achieve the best possible results, it's essential to properly care for your skin post-treatment. Our aftercare instructions are designed to help you minimize any discomfort, prevent complications, and maximize the effectiveness of your treatment. Follow these easy steps to keep your skin looking its best and enjoy the full benefits of your Total Skin Solution, LaseMD Ultra, or RF Microneedling experience.

Post-Treatment Care
You may experience a burning sensation for 1-2 hours immediately after your treatment. Cooling with an ice pack can provide relief to the treated area but is usually not needed. Make sure to enclose the ice pack in sterile and dry gauze to prevent water from penetrating the tissue in the treated area.
Keep the treatment area moisturized with an approved, safe moisturizer.
On the second day, gently wash and pat the skin gently dry for the next two days. Do not scrub or exfoliate the treated area. Continue to moisturize daily. The sandpapery crust and texture of your skin will separate naturally within 5-7 days after the treatment. When your skin texture returns to normal, you may resume your normal skin care routine.
Please do not use cosmetics which contain active ingredients such as Retinol, vitamin C (L-ascorbic acid), or alpha hydroxy acids (AHA’s) after treatment for one week without prior permission from the doctor. Tetrahexyldecyl ascorbate (THD) is a highly stable form of vitamin C which is lipid (fat) soluble and is acceptable for use following a LaseMD Ultra treatment (please abstain for 24 hours for microneedling).
Avoid exercising for the first day post-treatment or until initial healing has occurred. Increased redness may result from any activity that increases blood flow or body temperature (e.g. alcohol consumption, exercise, and sauna).
Avoid using cosmetics containing alcohol for at least 1 week after treatment.
For at least 20 days after treatment, apply UV A/B sunblock daily with SPF of at least 25. Use an umbrella, hat or any other available protection against sunlight while spending time outdoors. (If your treatment included RF microneedling, please abstain from SPF for 24 hours post treatment.)
As always, please contact us with any questions or concerns.

What Should I Put on My Skin and When?
We know there are a million skin care products for you to choose from. Since you have invested in the top skin treatment on the market, we want to ensure that your home products match this level of quality. Therefore, we only endorse the products we have already vetted and offer in our office. These are products that do not contain preservatives, parabens or artificial ingredients and are safe to use with all of our in-office procedures.
If you purchased a multi-session package of LaseMD or RF micro needling treatments, you have received a Dr. Gregg Skin Procedure Enhancement Kit. This has everything you need to get you through the next 10 days! This kit may also be purchased separately from our office and through our website (which we highly recommend!).
Immediately After Your Procedure
We Did This in the Office for You!
Apply Dr. Gregg Skin Replenish
Apply Dr. Gregg Skin Protect
(if your treatment included RF microneedling, please abstain from SPF for 24 hours post treatment)

Evening of the Procedure
Cleanse with Dr. Gregg Skin Cleanse
Apply Dr. Gregg Skin Replenish
Apply the ultra-light Dr. Gregg Skin Moisturize

Daily Products
for Days 2-10 post-procedure
Morning / Evening:
Cleanse with Dr. Gregg Skin Cleanse
Apply Dr. Gregg Skin Replenish
Apply the ultra-light Dr. Gregg Skin Moisturize
Morning Only:
Apply Dr. Gregg Skin Protect

eCO2 Plus
We’re thrilled that you’ve chosen the eCO Tone™ treatment powered by Lutronic’s eCO2 Plus Laser to rejuvenate your skin and address your specific concerns. To ensure you achieve the best possible results, we've put together some important pre- and post-treatment instructions. Please take a moment to review these guidelines carefully—they're designed to help you prepare for your procedure and manage your recovery effectively, so you can enjoy smoother, more youthful-looking skin with minimal downtime.

Pre-Treatment Care
Please limit sun exposure starting at least 2 weeks before the procedure and continue to limit exposure for 2 weeks after the procedure.
Discontinue Retin-A and skin care products containing retinoids or glycolic acid for 1 week before the procedure.
Day of Procedure
Plan to be at our office for approximately 1-2 hours.
Wear comfortable clothes, preferably a loose-buttoned shirt with no collar.
No makeup, mascara, eye shadow – all treated skin area(s) should be clean.
No contact lenses— please wear your glasses if possible.
Wash your face thoroughly prior to coming to your appointment to remove any dirt or oils.

Post-Treatment Care
Use only a gentle cleanser and moisturizer such as Dr. Gregg Cleanse and Moisturize.
Do not use cosmetics containing ingredients such as Retinol or AHA/BHA
Apply daily UVA/UVB sunblock with at least SPF 30
Avoid activities that increase blood flow or body temperature (e.g. alcohol consumption, exercise, sauna)
Do not rub/scrub. (Do NOT pick any scab, no matter how small!!!)
Call Dr. Gregory Martin’s office at (301) 652-1039 with any questions or concerns you may have.

Some common post op conditions and their management:
Peeling and Dry Skin
Dry skin is usually reported 3-4 days post procedure and resolves with peeling. Peeling is normal and can occur 4-7 days after your procedure. A secondary round of peeling has been observed up to 1-2 weeks later.
Do not rub/scrub the skin or try to facilitate peeling by pulling on loose skin.
Continue to moisturize the area with Dr. Gregg Replenish or Alastin Skin Nectar to help relieve dry skin.
Itching may occur once the skin begins to resurface. This usually occurs between days 3-5 post-procedure and may last up to 1 week. The neck and chest are common areas for this to occur because they have less oil glands than the face.
Oral antihistamine (such as Benadryl or Claritin)
Topical over-the-counter 1% hydrocortisone cream, twice a day.
Cold compresses (20 minutes on and off) as needed to alter sensation.
Prescription topical steroids.
Acne or Milia (white heads) Formation
Flare-up of acne or formation of milia may be due to the use of Aquaphor or other skin products. This may appear 3-4 days post treatment
Usually self-limiting and resolves within 1 week.
Discontinue Aquaphor Dressing and start Eucerin Calming Crème.
Do not pick at them. (This is very important — picking may cause scarring or pigmentation).
Immediately After Your Procedure
We Did This in the Office for You!
Apply Dr. Gregg Skin Replenish
Apply Dr. Gregg Skin Protect
(if your treatment included RF microneedling, please abstain from SPF for 24 hours post treatment)

Evening of the Procedure
Cleanse with Dr. Gregg Skin Cleanse
Apply Dr. Gregg Skin Replenish
Apply the ultra-light Dr. Gregg Skin Moisturize

Daily Products
for Days 2-10 post-procedure
Morning / Evening:
Cleanse with Dr. Gregg Skin Cleanse
Apply Dr. Gregg Skin Replenish
Apply the ultra-light Dr. Gregg Skin Moisturize
Morning Only:
Apply Dr. Gregg Skin Protect

(301) 652-1039